
Raising responsible kids: 5 tips.

As our kids get older, it’s important to us that our kids become more and more responsible and self sufficient. So, below are 5 tips on how we’ve started implementing strategies for raising responsible kids.

1. Checklists

We noticed our kids were having a hard time getting out the door in the morning to go to school with everything they needed for the day. They would forget their school folder, their jacket, etc.

So, I put together a checklist in an excel spreadsheet and printed for them and left in their backpack so they could use to remember everything they needed. We also use a similar checklist when we travel so they know what clothes to pack in their bags.

2. Preparing the night before

Our kids were also having problems getting out the door in the mornings on time so we could get to school on time. I think being on time is very important. So, another strategy that we use for raising responsible kids is preparing the night before.

After the kids have showered and brushed their teeth, we have them pick out their clothes and socks, as well as pack their backpacks so they can get ready faster in the mornings.

3. Daily routine

School and getting good grades is very important to me and my wife, I try to make sure they have a set time on specific days to do homework. I found early on that if we didn’t have an established schedule that it was very difficult to get the kids to do their homework.

But, when we implemented a schedule that they followed every day and week, such as doing homework at specific times/days during the week, watching TV/ipad only on the weekends, going to bed at a specific time, the kids seem to respond better because they knew what to expect.

4. Cleaning up after themselves

We make sure to stress the importance of organization and cleanliness. Whenever we get home and get out of the car, I remind the kids to pick up their garbage and throw it away in the trash bin or put it in the recycle bin.

On either Saturday or Sunday, we usually have the kids fold their laundry, pick up their toys, clean their bathrooms and clean their desks before we get to do fun stuff like going to birthday parties or on family outings. They now come to expect this activity and just accept that these things must be done before doing the fun stuff.

5. Pet care

We have a dog and the kids love playing with the dog. But, we make sure they help with the care of the dog so they understand what it takes to have a dog. We have the kids help with replenishing the food and water dishes, walking the dog, brushing the dog and washing the dog.

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